Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Weekend Laziness

Another weekend in the books and to be honest we never really started working on the second window. It was a combination of exhaustion and laziness; did I mention it was hot this weekend too? But most importantly the Olympics were on! I spent most of the weekend on the couch watching swimming, rowing, gymnastics, volleyball, and diving. While I love watching the Olympics it makes me acutely aware of how out of shape I am – not that I was ever as “in shape” as any of the athletes but you know what I mean. Yesterday I even made a halfhearted attempt at doing Pilates while watching the Men’s Gymnastics Final.
Anyway, as I was sitting on my couch I realized we had quite the collection of magazines all being home décor...

This pretty much sums up the phase of life we're in right now! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Window Installation Part 1

Last weekend we started installing two new windows in our Kitchenette, I thought we'd be able to wrap it all up in one weekend....not so much! Yet another reminder that home improvement projects will take about 10 times as long as you think they will.  We were only able to get one of the windows installed but it was the window that was going to take the most work. 

Here's the play by play - we have an exterior door in our Kitchen/Kitchenette area that we hate. We removed the door, framed the space for a window and installed the window (Wow, when I write it out it seems so much easier than it was).

The Before...

And the door is gone!

And now to take out the door frame...

Shelby likes her new doggie door

Using a nail gun for the first time

Snoball break - yes, it was totally necessary!

Moving some of the electrical 

Framing the window

Brett using his new nail gun!

All the necessary power tools

Brett even let me use the nail gun

The exterior

The exterior waterproofed

Window (finally) installed...

And perfectly level!

Now for the second window...

Friday, July 20, 2012

Rainy Days...

As luck would have it I have today off (which I totally grateful for) but it's also raining like cats and dogs (not as grateful for). Oh well, at least this bad weather will give me a chance to catch up on my blogging and housework....bet you can't guess which one I'm procrastinating.

So here's been our lives as of late - we FINALLY got around to getting Brett's birthday present! Woohoo - it's an air compressor!

Despite how he looks in the picture he really was excited about it! Although I think this present goes into the category of "You know you're an adult when..." But in order to frame out the kitchenette and eventually Hardie plank the exterior we needed the air compressor. Although I think deep down Brett just loves tools.

Next we got my birthday present.  While this can also go in the "You know when you're an adult when..." category, it's slightly more self serving than the air compressor. For those of you that guessed a Nikon D5100 - you are correct!

After we got the camera we had to get a better lens, then camera bag, then lens protector, then the memory card....suffice it to say the camera wasn't the most expensive part of the present. I'd been wanting to pick up photography as a hobby and of course needed the camera to better document our home renovation! So far I've taken approximately 100 pictures of Shelby! She's quickly becoming one of the world's most photographed dogs.

Shelby certainly doesn't seem to mind the attention!

Besides my camera I got another big birthday present, my Mom and Grandma were able to come to town and celebrate with me. They even made me pot roast, mashed potatoes, and gravy on my birthday! And of course Shelby and Grandma got some quality time in...

Provided the weather cooperates we will be framing out and installing new windows this weekend. I promise there will be a post and lots of pictures from that!