Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Weekend Laziness

Another weekend in the books and to be honest we never really started working on the second window. It was a combination of exhaustion and laziness; did I mention it was hot this weekend too? But most importantly the Olympics were on! I spent most of the weekend on the couch watching swimming, rowing, gymnastics, volleyball, and diving. While I love watching the Olympics it makes me acutely aware of how out of shape I am – not that I was ever as “in shape” as any of the athletes but you know what I mean. Yesterday I even made a halfhearted attempt at doing Pilates while watching the Men’s Gymnastics Final.
Anyway, as I was sitting on my couch I realized we had quite the collection of magazines all being home décor...

This pretty much sums up the phase of life we're in right now! 

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