Sunday, August 14, 2011

Trading in Manicures for Power Tools

Homeowner - now there's a role I didn't think we'd be taking over at least for another few years but thanks my type A/planner personality, here we are, brand new homeowners! It all started over a sushi dinner to reward ourselves for both getting raises. My husband and I started talking about our 5 year plan; specifically the goals we had, things we wanted, etc. We managed to land on the topic of home ownership, we pondered it, played with our app, and drove around the neighborhoods we really liked. We came across an awesome "project" in a fantastic neighborhood and decided to take the plunge and become homeowners!

I won't bore you all with the details of the house buying process, suffice it to say our buying experience was not easy. We FINALLY closed on our new home June 3rd. And first few weeks of homeownership have already given me a taste of what I'm in for. From serious cleaning (like hands and knees scrubbing; my mom and grandma would be proud) to electrical fixes to re-keying doors, I'm coming to the realization that I'll be trading in the manicures for power tools for the foreseeable future! Oh and did I mention we are renovating this house the diy way....I can promise this is going to be a fun ride full of up, down, the occasional breakdown and lots of comical moments.

Here's our project!

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